
L'actu des IAE

IAE ready for the APAIE Conference in Melbourne

The APAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition is one of the most well-known forums in the Asia-Pacific region for bringing together policy-makers and education experts from around the world to improve professional skills and learn about new developments in international education. The nine local host universities, led by the University of Melbourne, will welcome distinguished guests to the 11th Annual APAIE Conference from 29 February – 3 March, 2016, in Melbourne, Australia.

The theme for the 2016 APAIE conference is:

Asia Pacific – A Global Education and Research Powerhouse:
New models of cooperation in research engagement and education mobility for the 2020’s

This year, IAE FRANCE will be well represented with IAE Gustave Eiffel, IAE Lyon, IAE Montpellier, IAE Pau-Bayonne, IGR-IAE Rennes and IAE Rouen. They will welcome their partners on the stand 078. Their objective : strengthen the existing international partnerships and develop new partnerships with schools or universities all over the world. So, more and more students can leave in exchange abroad during their studies.

IAE develop relationships, partnerships and exchanges with more than 80 countries through cooperation agreements, students exchange program (Erasmus, crepuq…), relocated diplomas, double diplomas and by welcoming international teacher-researcher coming to teach or participate to Research.


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