

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Master 2 Finance and Information Technology


Présentation de la formation

Diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'EtatFrance Compétences RNCPEFMD Accredited Master    

RNCP Code: 32159

The Master 2 in “Finance and Information Technology” (FIT) provides students with skills in both finance and financial IT.

Financial technology, also known as “fintech”, aims at proposing solutions to all actors involved in financial decisions, such as financial institutions, firms and single individuals using specialized IT tools.

The Master provides a rigorous preparation in all fields of Finance, namely corporate finance and market finance, together with a solid knowledge in IT decision support tools, like business Intelligence and blockchain. Through practical cases and projects, students develop complementary practical skills like problem solving, communication and business etiquette.

Students pursuing the track Finance and Information Technology will learn to:

  • Analyze and exploit big data to extract information to take financial decisions;
  • Implement and upgrade business processes which collect information to support company’s decisions;
  • Design and implement business intelligence systems applied to financial contexts.

This Master is a programme in partnership with Toulouse School of Management (TSM) and Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).

Lieu(x) :

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Mobilité internationale :
Non applicable

Conditions d'admission :
Dossier de candidature, Entretien


Find all the information (dates and procedures) about applying for the Master 2 in « Finance and Information Technology » on the Toulouse School of Management website.