

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Master 2 MSc 2 Management, speciality International Finance

Finance, Gestion – Management

Présentation de la formation

The MSc 2 Management, speciality International Finance delivered in English with a personal development focus, is designed to enable students and participants to master corporate finance in the financial markets arena.

  • It concentrates on investment decision making in a business world driven by innovation, where rules are changing as fast as the market is becoming volatile.
  • You will learn to understand the principles of finance and best practices as applied by investment bankers, funds and companies.
  • You will develop your financial analysis skills and perfect your public presentation skills with the multitude of projects to deliver.

The programme is a real business education experience, with a coaching method to improve the interaction with financial operators.

Programme personalisation

Students can organise their studies in a personalised and unique track with 4 or 5 electives selected among 90 options, in French or in English.

Lieu(x) :

Format(s) :
Initiale, Alternance, Continue

Mobilité internationale :

Conditions d'admission :
Autres tests, Dossier de candidature, Entretien, Score IAE Message (SIM)


Direct access to MSc 2nd Year

  • Open to holders of Master’s degrees 1st year or 4-year university education diploma (240 ECTS) or more
  • or equivalent degrees (foreign degrees, certificate validating professional experience)


  • Apprenticeship or internship
  • Apprenticeship fair, jobs/internships fair
  •  Network
  • Project
  • Business game