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Master 1 Master's degree Tourisme Parcours : Tourism Economics and Management (TEM)

Economy and management

Training presentation

The Master’s in Tourism Economics and Management (TEM) is one of the many degrees offered by the Department of Tourism Management at the Institute of Business Administration (IAE) at the University of Perpignan, which has a long history of experience in this field. TEM is a two-year postgraduate degree.

The TEM Master’s program provides students with a research-based orientation in tourism economics and management. It also equips students with the skills required to perform all the different aspects of economic analyses and management in the tourism sector.

In the second year of the Master’s, TEM-specific courses are taught in English by teacherresearchers with international recognition in their respective fields of expertise.

Students will acquire both theoretical and operational skills in the tourism sector.
The TEM Master’s offers academic excellence through the delivery of university courses based on the latest advances in research in tourism economics and management, taught by international specialists. To complete the degree, students are required to complete a research dissertation or a professional internship for a period of 4 to 6 months.

This Master’s program is supported by the IAE, Institute of Business Administration of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD), a member of the IAE France Network, and quality
certified by Qualicert. It also benefits from the CFET label, the Conférence des Formations d’Excellence au Tourisme (Training Conference for Excellence in Tourism) ( and research support from the CRESEM laboratory (Center for Research on Societies and Environments in the Mediterranean)

Location :

Format :
Initial training, Continuing education, Sandwich courses

Language(s) :
English, Spanish

International mobility :

Admission requirements :
Application form


Internship from 3 to 6 months during the first year (in France or abroad)

Research paper or internship from 4 to 6 months during the second year (in France or abroad)