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Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme
Training presentation
The Master “Advanced ReseArch in Management of Information Systems” (ARAMIS) is a one-year program that offers students training in novel research techniques and methods and in-depth theoretical knowledge in information systems.
This program will provide students with an excellent understanding of the research process and a high level of specialized knowledge in information systems.
Students acquire up-to-date knowledge and become experts in their field of specialization. The program allows students to choose elective topics, depending on their academic project. The Master’s thesis is an essential part of the research project. Great emphasis is placed on the development of critical analysis and innovative skills. The program and the supervision of students whose focus is on research are supported by the Research Center for Management and Business Administration (CERAG in French), which is one of the three most important research centers in the field in France.
Location :
Format :
Initial training
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