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Master's degree International Management


Training presentation

Diplôme national de Master contrôlé par l'EtatFrance CompétencesEFMD Accredited Master

RNCP Code: 34038

The Master 2 in International Management is a full-time degree, training junior managers ready to deal with cross-cultural management situations and strategic decision-making in an international context. The Master 2 in International Management brings together a highly international student group.

The second year builds on the foundations acquired during the first year and puts the emphasis on the development of professional skills and competencies by training students to apply their knowledge to concrete international business situations. The complementarity between academic and practical insights is central during the second year.

By the end of the Master International Management, students will be able to:

  • Discuss international business situations and issues ;
  • Apply theoretical and conceptual elements to the analysis of international business situations ;
  • Use of methodological tools and frameworks in business analysis and development ;
  • Design relevant recommendations on international business situations based on methodological tools and frameworks ;
  • Comprehend different ways in which international business affects the society and the environment ;
  • Communicate clearly and efficiently both in written and oral modes ;
  • Operate in a multicultural and multicultural environment (negotiate, manage, lead)

Location :

Format :
Initial training

Language(s) :

International mobility :
Not applicable

Admission requirements :
Application form, Recruitment interview
