TSM, The path ahead
TSM, The path ahead
The school
Assets :
Training responsible and enterprising managers, international outlook
Making a decisive contribution to management science research
Meeting the needs of companies facing global competition
Toulouse School of Management is an EQUIS-accredited public school of excellence in Management. Within Toulouse Capitole University, it trains students in Management and offers a new path for developing the talents of a community of responsible and enterprising students. EQUIS international recognition underlines the quality of our institution and the continuity of our commitment to public service. Our main strengths remain our academic expertise, the scope of our Programme Portfolio and the variety of agreements forged with our business partners. We are expressing a clear ambition: to train managers capable of seizing the opportunities of an open world and meeting the needs of companies facing global competition. We are all brought together - teacher-researchers, administrative staff, students, graduates, business and institutional partners - in the deployment of a unifying project, a creator of social utility and a vector of international influence. Toulouse School of Management is a real opportunity for its students and for its partners.
Hervé Penan
Dean Toulouse School of Management
TSM offers full-time and part-time work-study Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the main management disciplines: accounting and control, finance, human resource management, marketing and strategy.
3,000 students
4 Bachelor's degrees, 16 Master's degrees
2 EFMD-accredited Master's degrees
15% international students
60 teachers and researchers
Professional integration rate: 90% after 6 months
100 international partners
1 UMR CNRS 5303 laboratory: TSM Research
1 EFMD-accredited Doctoral School in Management Sciences: TSM Doctoral Programme
1 network of alumni with 23,000 members: TSM Alumni
Beyond the multidisciplinary courses taught in English, I especially remember the values transmitted through my Master and more generally by TSM, such as the desire for entrepreneurship and innovation, diversity, integrity and respect. My training gave me the tools and attitude necessary to enter the job market and continue to grow.
Laetitia Chaynes
Graduated from TSM’s International Management Master in 2010. Managing Director, Altitude Aerospace
2 rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty
31042 Toulouse cedex 9
Phone : +33 (0)5 61 63 56 00