

University School of Management

The school

Assets :

A varied training offer in all areas of management

Training courses rooted in the business world

International openness (internships and training abroad)

IAE Poitiers, talent developer since 1956

IAE Poitiers sets a benchmark in the fields of finance-accounting, management, marketing, human ressources, information-communication, business intelligence and Management and international trade. Its vocation is twofold: to serve its students and to meet the expectations of companies. This guarantees healthy, quality career progression for its graduates, in France and abroad.

Nearly 50 teacher-researchers and 250 guest speakers deliver the courses. This means students and employees have access to a wide range of knowledge, which is provided according to the educational methods best adapted for its transmission. IAE Poitiers offers a choice between initial training (for students), continuing education (for employees or retraining), apprenticeships (for candidates seeking sandwich courses) and distance learning (for those wishing to combine professional life and studies). These training courses are validated by internationally recognised diplomas, which pave the way for your personal and professional success.

IAE Poitiers has been developed on a foundation of resolutely humanist and optimistic values. We encourage boldness because the entrepreneurial spirit is at the heart of our convictions. We have a sense of responsibility and a taste for excellence. But we also strongly believe in equal opportunities, regardless of the origin and future location of the students we host. We rely on this set of values in our training of the decision-makers of tomorrow.

Benjamin Dreveton

Dean IAE Poitiers


L’IAE Poitiers offers a diverse training offer covering
all management roles:

2,400 students including 900 distance learners and 900 in international locations

50 permanent teachers and 250 guest speakers

93% professional insertion at 30 months

30 courses from last year of undergraduate degree to PhDs

11 diplomas in the ‘Eduniversal 2023’ ranking of the best training

10 e-learning courses

Around 30 students per class

3 campuses: Poitiers, Angoulême and Niort



Université de Poitiers
20 rue Guillaume VII le Troubadour
Bât. E1TSA 61116

Phone : +33 (0)5 49 45 44 99