

School of Management

The school

Assets :

Around 30 courses from undergraduate to Master 2 and PhD, through initial and continuing training, professional contracts and distance learning

High professional integration rate: 75% of graduates are employed upon completing their diploma and 92% after 18 months

A teaching team of 60 teachers and 225 guest speakers

A university centre of excellence geared towards professional integration and research

From undergraduate degrees to Masters, initial training, continuing training or sandwich courses, face-to-face or e-learning, the diplomas offered by IAE Nancy cover the full range of professional training in administration and management (university diplomas, degrees in management and in Economic and Social Administration, professional degrees, specialised Masters and double competence, PhDs). The dissemination of specialised and/or multidisciplinary knowledge, combined with the use of methodological tools for analysis and decision-making, helps to develop the skills necessary for the management professions in private companies or public organisations. Our training courses evolve in the light of new challenges, professions and needs, allowing each student and all audiences to properly prepare their career path or consolidate their knowledge. The IAE Nancy educational project is also based on the dynamics of academic research which can be appropriated by companies within CEREFIGE, the Lorraine management laboratory and other associated labs. This means PhD students are supported by these research centres and by the doctoral school’s training programme.

Antony Kuhn

Dean IAE Nancy


IAE Nancy offers a diverse training offer
covering all management roles:

More than 1,500 students each year

1,700 business partners

Median salary: €1,900 net France / €2,600 net Luxembourg

Selection rate for Masters: 25.8%

All our diplomas are open to continuing education

42 partnerships with international universities

Overall success rate 16/17: 60% (58% for undergraduate degrees, 91% for professional degrees and 70% for Master 2)

Dedicated services for continuing education, professional integration and business relations, and international relations

School spirit: Student, sports and arts associations in addition to associations for each training sector, alumni association



IAE Nancy - 25 rue Baron Louis - BP 90862 - 54011 NANCY Cedex

IAE Nancy Campus ARTEM - 90 rue du Sergent Blandan - BP 70618 - 54010 NANCY Cedex

Phone : +33 (0)3 72 74 16 40