

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Master's degree Business Management – Business

Administration – Management, Dual competence

Training presentation

The Master 2 in Business Management (MAE) – Business pathway allows young graduates or employees to add a second skill in management to their first non-management skill area in order to access managerial positions or business management.

The objective of this second year of the Master’s program is to

  • Professionalize or facilitate the professional mobility of non-managerial employees to managerial or business management positions
  • Acquire comfort with high-performance collaborative tools to energize teams and maintain relations with foreign markets
  • Offer a work-study program adapted to the work pace of employees and the need for students to gain experience in a company.
  • To boost the initial training of students with a Master 1 or Master 2 degree (excluding management) by providing them with multidisciplinary skills in order to facilitate their access to managerial positions

The MAE Enterprise Master’s degree is open to initial training, returning to school and work-study programs (professionalization and apprenticeship contracts)

Location :

Format :
Initial training, Continuing education, Sandwich courses

International mobility :
Not applicable

Admission requirements :
Application form, Recruitment interview


Admission to the “Business” programme requires a Master 1 diploma or a title equivalent to 240 ECTS of first competence outside the management curriculum in a French institution. This training is also accessible in continuing education to professionals with a minimum of two years of higher education and five years of experience related to the training via a Validation of Professional and Personal Experience (VAPP), as well as in work-study programs (professionalization contract).