
L'actu des IAE

Basque Coast Summer School – 13-17 July 2015

L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour et l’IAE Pau-Bayonne organisent une école d’été en anglais sur leur campus d’Anglet/Montaury du 13 au 17 juillet 2015.
Cette école sera ouverte à des étudiants français et étrangers ainsi qu’au grand public. Les participants pourront suivre un ou plusieurs cours qui seront dispensés par des universitaires anglo-saxons de renom international et connus pour leurs talents pédagogiques.
Cette école, payante et ouverte à tous, est aussi particulièrement adaptée à des professeurs d’anglais intéressés par une expérience universitaire anglo-saxonne de haut niveau.
Les informations détaillées du programme sont disponibles sur le site Internet de l’Ecole d’Eté UPPA/Côte Basque :
L’inscription et le paiement peuvent se faire en ligne sur ce même site Internet. L’école a négocié des tarifs avantageux pour plusieurs formules d’hébergement.
Basque Coast Summer School 13-17 July 2015
A week of intensive courses and relaxation on the French Atlantic coast
The University of Pau and Adour Regions (South West of France) is holding a one-week summer school in English on its Atlantic Coast campus just outside Biarritz (July 13 -July 17). The school is open to students and others interested in a unique « Anglo-Saxon » academic experience in an exceptional setting (beaches are 10 minutes away from campus).
Four courses will be taught by talented and enthusiastic professors recruited specifically from English-language universities:
Big History: An Introduction to 13.8 Billion Years of History Since the Big Bang, by David Baker, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
« Third World Women »: Gender and the Global South, by Samantha Christiansen, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA.
Economics of Climate Change: Myths and Realities, by Peter Dorman, Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, USA.
– Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynsian and Marxian, by Richard D. Wolff, New School University, New York, NY, USA.
Classes will be held over five mornings with a maximum of 25 students per course. Mornings will be divided between lectures and round tables, student presentations and workshops. Student participation will be emphasized. Films and videos will be shown during some courses.
Details are available on the school web site where students can register and pay online :
The school has arranged very attractive rates for various types of accommodation nearby.
Each morning of classes will end with a buffet lunch during which students and instructors from different courses can mix and mingle. Afternoons are left free for sightseeing, leisure and beach activities. Three (optional) social events are planned :
– A visit to Biarritz for the fireworks display on July 14th (National Day, also known as « Bastille Day »).
– An excursion to San Sebastian, a spectacular city on the coast nearby in Spain.
– A debate (free and open to the public) that will bring together the four instructors. The subject will be « Is a Better World Possible? », a theme that runs through the four courses. The debate will be followed by a paella dinner for registered students.
Other activities are being considered (surfing lessons, cultural visits, walking tours, etc).

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